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Ride for Fun, Ride to Learn

Trail Challenge Obstacle Course

Recreational Competition


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2025 Season
Tournament Who Basis By Sponsor Thru Details Standings
Northwest Region
BC Mello Division Series Team WOA Bracket Host Jun, 29th
BC Mello Raw Score Series Team Raw Score Overall Host Jun, 29th
Havens Stable Youngin' Series Rider WOA Overall Host Aug, 17th
Havens Stable Series Rider WOA Bracket Host Aug, 17th
Havens Stable Junior Series Rider WOA Overall Host Aug, 17th
Northwest Finals Team WOA Bracket Host Oct, 05th
Northwest Finals Qualifier Team WOA Bracket Hosts Oct, 05th
Southwest Region
NorCal 1/05 Wknd High Pt Team WOA Bracket co-sponsor Jan, 05th
NorCal 1/05 Wknd Youth High Pt Team WOA Overall co-sponsor Jan, 05th
NorCal 2/16 Wknd High Pt Team WOA Bracket co-sponsor Feb, 16th
NorCal 2/16 Wknd Youth High Pt Team WOA Overall co-sponsor Feb, 16th
NorCal 3/23 Wknd High Pt Team WOA Bracket co-sponsor Mar, 23rd
NorCal 3/23 Wknd Youth High Pt Team WOA Overall co-sponsor Mar, 23rd
NorCal 4/13 Wknd High Pt Team WOA Bracket co-sponsor Apr, 13th
NorCal 4/13 Wknd Youth High Pt Team WOA Overall co-sponsor Apr, 13th
NorCal 5/4 Wknd High Pt Team WOA Bracket co-sponsor May, 04th
NorCal 5/4 Wknd Youth High Pt Team WOA Overall co-sponsor May, 04th
NorCal 6/29 Wknd High Pt Team WOA Bracket co-sponsor Jun, 29th
NorCal 6/29 Wknd Youth High Pt Team WOA Overall co-sponsor Jun, 29th
NorCal 7/27 Wknd High Pt Team WOA Bracket co-sponsor Jul, 27th
NorCal 7/27 Wknd Youth High Pt Team WOA Overall co-sponsor Jul, 27th
NorCal 8/24 Wknd High Pt Team WOA Bracket co-sponsor Aug, 24th
NorCal 8/24 Wknd Youth High Pt Team WOA Overall co-sponsor Aug, 24th
NorCal 9/14 Wknd High Pt Team WOA Bracket co-sponsor Sep, 14th
NorCal 9/14 Wknd Youth High Pt Team WOA Overall co-sponsor Sep, 14th
NorCal 10/26 Wknd High Pt Team WOA Bracket co-sponsor Oct, 26th
NorCal 10/26 Wknd Youth High Pt Team WOA Overall co-sponsor Oct, 26th
NorCal 11/16 Wknd High Pt Team WOA Bracket co-sponsor Nov, 16th
NorCal 11/16 Wknd Youth High Pt Team WOA Overall co-sponsor Nov, 16th
NorCal 12/7 Wknd High Pt Team WOA Bracket co-sponsor Dec, 07th
NorCal 12/7 Wknd Youth High Pt Team WOA Overall co-sponsor Dec, 07th
NorCal Buckle Series (Bracket) Team WOA Bracket Host Dec, 07th
NorCal Buckle Series (Youth) Team WOA Overall Host Dec, 07th
NorCal Fall Buckle Series Team WOA Bracket Host Nov, 16th
NorCal Fall Youth Buckle Series Team WOA Overall Host Nov, 16th
NorCal Running I Ranch Buckle Tumbler Series Team WOA Bracket Host Sep, 14th
NorCal Running I Ranch Youth Buckle Tumbler Series Team WOA Overall Host Sep, 14th
NorCal Spring Buckle Series Team WOA Bracket Host May, 04th
NorCal Spring Youth Buckle Series Team WOA Overall Host May, 04th
NorCal Summer Buckle Series Team WOA Bracket Host Aug, 24th
NorCal Summer Youth Buckle Series Team WOA Overall Host Aug, 24th
NorCal Winter Buckle Series Team WOA Bracket Host Feb, 16th
NorCal Winter Youth Buckle Series Team WOA Overall Host Feb, 16th
Breed Association
American Bashkir Curly Registry Equine Ranking Points Overall ABCR Dec, 31st
American Blazer Horse Assn High Point Equine Placement Points Bracket ABHA Sep, 30th
American Morgan Horse Association High Point Equine Placement Points Overall AMHA Dec, 31st
American Mustang & Burro Assoc High Point Equine Placement Points Overall AMBA Dec, 31st
Appaloosa Horse Club High Point Equine Placement Points Overall ApHC Dec, 31st
Gypsy Horse Registry of America Equine Placement Points Overall GHRA Dec, 31st
Gypsy Vanner Horse Society Equine Placement Points Overall GVHS Dec, 31st
Jockey Club Thoroughbred Incentive Program High Point Equine Placement Points Overall TIP Dec, 31st
Kiger Horse Assn High Point Equine Placement Points Overall KHAR Dec, 31st
MFTHBA Midwest Region High Point Equine Placement Points Overall MFTHBA Dec, 31st
MFTHBA Northeast Region High Point Equine Placement Points Overall MFTHBA Dec, 31st
MFTHBA Northwest Region High Point Equine Placement Points Overall MFTHBA Dec, 31st
MFTHBA South Region High Point Equine Placement Points Overall MFTHBA Dec, 31st
MFTHBA Southeast Region High Point Equine Placement Points Overall MFTHBA Dec, 31st
MFTHBA Southwest Region High Point Equine Placement Points Overall MFTHBA Dec, 31st
Percheron Horse Assoc High Point Equine Placement Points Overall PHAOA Dec, 31st
Rocky Mountain Horse Association High Point Equine Placement Points Overall RMHA Dec, 31st
Spotted Saddle Horse Breed Assn High Point Equine Placement Points Overall SSHBEA Dec, 31st
Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders & Exhibitors Assn High Point Equine Placement Points Overall TWHBEA Dec, 31st
Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders & Exhibitors Assn Youth High Point Equine Placement Points Overall TWHBEA Dec, 31st
US Mangalarga Marchador High Point Equine Ranking Points Overall USMMA Dec, 31st